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Data Annotation

Ready to revolutionize your business with CohortData's cutting-edge solutions? Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can help you harness the power of data.

Professional Data Annotation Solutions

In the dynamic world of artificial intelligence and machine learning, accurate and meticulously labelled data is the bedrock upon which successful models are built. At Cohort Data, we specialize in comprehensive data annotation services, catering to a wide array of industries and applications. From image and video annotation to text and 3D annotation, our expertise ensures your datasets are annotated with precision and efficiency.

Explore Our Wide Range of Data Annotation Services

At Cohort Data, we specialize in a wide range of data annotation services designed to meet the diverse needs of industries leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies.

Image Annotation

Image annotation is fundamental for computer vision applications, and at Cohort Data, we excel in providing precise annotations that include:

  • Bounding Box Annotation: Accurately outline objects of interest within images, essential for object detection and localization tasks.
  • Semantic Segmentation: Pixel-level annotation to define object boundaries in images, crucial for tasks like medical imaging and satellite analysis.
  • Landmark Annotation: Identify and label specific points on images, such as facial key points or anatomical landmarks, supporting applications in biometrics and healthcare.

Video Annotation

Our video annotation services cater to industries requiring in-depth analysis of dynamic visual data, offering:

  • Object Tracking: Follow and annotate objects across video frames for applications in surveillance, activity recognition, and video analytics.
  • Activity Recognition: Label human actions and behaviors captured in video footage, enabling applications in sports analytics and security monitoring.
  • Frame-by-Frame Annotation: Detailed annotation of each frame to ensure comprehensive understanding and accurate training of video-based AI models.

Text Annotation

Text annotation services at Cohort Data enhance natural language processing capabilities through:

  • Named Entity Recognition (NER): Identify and categorize entities such as names, dates, and locations within text documents, facilitating information extraction and search.
  • Sentiment Analysis Labeling: Assign sentiment labels to text data to understand opinions and emotions expressed in customer reviews, social media posts, and more.
  • Language Translation Annotation: Create parallel corpora to train and enhance machine translation systems, supporting cross-language communication and localization efforts.

LIDAR Annotation

For industries reliant on LiDAR technology, we offer specialized annotation services:

  • Point Cloud Annotation: Precisely label individual points within LiDAR-generated point clouds, crucial for mapping and navigation in autonomous vehicles and robotics.
  • 3D Bounding Boxes: Define spatial boundaries around objects detected by LiDAR sensors, supporting tasks like object detection and collision avoidance.
  • Semantic Segmentation for 3D Data: Categorize and label segments of LiDAR point clouds to enhance understanding and recognition of objects in 3D space.

Document Annotation

Our document annotation services streamline information management and extraction through:

  • Metadata Tagging: Annotate documents with descriptive metadata such as author, date, and document type, facilitating efficient organization and retrieval.
  • Content Categorization: Classify documents into predefined categories based on their content, supporting automated content recommendation systems and information retrieval.
  • Key Phrase Extraction: Identify and extract important phrases or keywords within documents to facilitate quick search and analysis of relevant information.

3D Annotation

In the realm of 3D data annotation, we provide specialized services including:

  • Volume Annotation: Label volumetric data in medical imaging and other industries for diagnostic support and treatment planning.
  • Surface Annotation: Outline and label surfaces of 3D objects for applications in AR/VR, manufacturing, and industrial automation.
  • 3D Object Recognition: Annotate objects within 3D scenes to train AI models for tasks like object detection and spatial understanding in robotics and autonomous systems.

3D- Annotation

In the realm of 3D data annotation, we provide specialized services including:

  • Volume Annotation: Label volumetric data in medical imaging and other industries for diagnostic support and treatment planning.
  • Surface Annotation: Outline and label surfaces of 3D objects for applications in AR/VR, manufacturing, and industrial automation.
  • 3D Object Recognition: Annotate objects within 3D scenes to train AI models for tasks like object detection and spatial understanding in robotics and autonomous systems.

Why Choose Cohort Data for Data Annotation Services?

Cohort Data stands out in the field of data annotation services due to several key advantages:


Our team comprises experienced data management professionals who possess in-depth knowledge and expertise in the latest data management technologies and best practices.

Customized Solutions

We understand that every organization has unique data management requirements. We tailor our services to align with your specific needs and deliver solutions that address your challenges effectively

Data Security

We prioritize the security and confidentiality of your data. Our robust security measures ensure that your information is protected against unauthorized access, breaches, and data loss.


Whether you're just starting or have a growing data ecosystem, our services are designed to scale with your business. We can accommodate increasing data volumes and evolving needs, ensuring your data management capabilities remain robust


We offer competitive pricing structures that provide excellent value for your investment. Our services are designed to optimize your data management processes, resulting in improved efficiency and cost savings.

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Ready To Enhance Your AI And Machine Learning Projects With Meticulously Annotated Data?

Contact Cohort Data today to discuss your annotation requirements and receive a personalized quote. Let us help you unlock the full potential of your data-driven initiatives.