Image Annotation

Our team of experts takes great care to annotate images with precision and accuracy, using various techniques such as bounding boxes, polygons, or key points to label and identify objects for computer vision models. This process involves analyzing each image in detail and determining the appropriate method for annotating it based on its unique characteristics and the requirements of the project.

Video Annotation

Video content is becoming increasingly complex, and it is essential to have accurate and reliable tools to analyze and comprehend it. This is where our frame-by-frame video annotation services come in. We provide annotation services that enable your models to identify and understand intricate details of video content, frame-by-frame.

Text Annotation

Our team performs entity recognition, sentiment analysis, and other forms of text annotation to help your NLP models understand and process textual data effectively. It is a critical step in natural language processing (NLP) tasks, as it enables machines to understand and interpret textual data more effectively.

LIDAR Annotation

Lidar annotation is the process of identifying and labeling objects or features in point cloud data obtained from lidar (Light Detection and Ranging) sensors. We annotate LIDAR data for self-driving cars, robotics, and other applications that require accurate 3D spatial information, ensuring precise object detection and localization.

Document Annotation

We extract and annotate relevant information from documents, supporting applications like document classification, information extraction, and data mining.

3D- Annotation

3D annotation is the process of adding labels or tags to three-dimensional objects or environments. It is an important task for various applications such as computer vision, augmented reality, and virtual reality. We extract and annotate relevant information from documents, supporting applications like document classification, information extraction, and data mining.

Ready to revolutionize your business with CohortData's cutting-edge solutions? Contact us today to schedule a consultation and discover how we can help you harness the power of data.

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